Photographers Capture A Crocodile-Infested River And Five Cheetahs


A few people were on their way to explore the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. Suddenly, they saw a Cheetah family gathered by the river. The river was flooded seemed strong, but the animals didn’t care does not seem to mind it. Their only goal in mind is to cross it.

The biggest cheetahs leaped into the water, and the travelers immediately lost their breath. Suddenly, two extra joined them. Everyone watched in anticipation, guessing which side the swimmers would come from. Photographers Arnfinn Johansen and Buddhilini De Soyza take advantage of this opportunity and take out the camera, Both of them managed to capture this drama brilliantly.

Arnfinn Johansen: | Facebook | Instagram

Buddhilini De Soyza: | Instagram

Image Credits: Media Drum Images / Buddhilini De Soyza
Image Credits: Media Drum Images / Buddhilini De Soyza

Photographer Arnfinn Johansen said he had spent more time following the five cheetahs. They hunt on both sides of the Talek River, it is not really surprising that they cross it. Johansen said, they always cross the river by stepping on stones. But it was very difficult for them to do so because of the flood caused by twelve months of rain. “For a long time, they were going up and down the river looking for a place to go to the other side. Because of the strong current, it was really dangerous. Also, It is also the kingdom of the Nile Crocodile and the cheetah can be an easy meal for the Crocodile.”

Image Credits: Arnfinn Johansen

Johansen said, maybe that day is sure to be casualties. “A long time ago, a famous cheetah was drowned or got killed by crocodiles while crossing that river, a risky undertaking indeed. After surveying the area for a more time, the five cheetah brothers went for it.”

Image Credits: Media Drum Images / Buddhilini De Soyza

“First, leader cheetah jumped into the river, and two more soon followed him. Also, after just a few seconds of being ready, the two little cheetahs joined us.”

Image Credits: Arnfinn Johansen
Image Credits: Arnfinn Johansen
Image Credits: Arnfinn Johansen
Image Credits: Arnfinn Johansen

Johansen said the pack were swimming as fast as they could. “You really could see they didn’t like it.” Luckily, all of the cheetahs managed to get to the other side alive, and when the leader cheetah shook his fur and his tail, he even hissed at the river.

Image Credits: Media Drum Images / Buddhilini De Soyza
Image Credits: Media Drum Images / Buddhilini De Soyza
Image Credits: Media Drum Images / Buddhilini De Soyza
Image Credits: Media Drum Images / Buddhilini De Soyza
Image Credits: Media Drum Images / Buddhilini De Soyza
Image Credits: Arnfinn Johansen
Image Credits: Arnfinn Johansen

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