Halloween is coming soon and maybe some of you have thought of dressing like a bird this time. Surely a big and fiery bird will catch anyone’s attention and you would be the hit! However, we are now going to show you a real bird that looks much the same as a man wearing a bird’s costume! This bird is called the harpy eagle and it is nothing but massive, proud, fiery, and majestic!
Their pictures are always viral on the internet. Perhaps, you might have seen them too and mistook them for a man in a bird’s costume! however, these birds are the largest and the most powerful raptors in the world. Also, they are birds of prey and should not be taken lightly. Their wingspan can commonly reach up to 7 feet and 4 inches (224 centimeters). So, often their wingspan might be bigger than your height! But they weigh only 8.5-20 pounds. (3.8 -9 kg).

You may not see them everywhere because they live upper canopy layer of tropical lowland forests. They have also been added to the list of endangered species in Central America due to deforestation. Unfortunately, now less than 50,000 of them can be seen over the world.

They are very different from small birds because their food is monkeys, sloths, tree porcupines and cats to birds, snakes, and lizards.

Scroll down and see some of their pictures. Enjoy!
This Bird Has A Very Peculiar Unique Face.

They Mostly Look Like People Disguise In Clothes.

Hope you Loved this collection. Happy trails until we meet again! Share These Amazing pictures With Your Friend or Family, Be Safe!