22 Times When Background Catches The Eye More Than The Subject


The usually photographic foreground quickly grabs our attention. Even if we try to plan well before taking a picture, we cannot predict what might happen in a matter of seconds. This is while you are taking an excellent picture, suddenly someone or something appears and steals the spotlight. That’s what call photobombs.

Even if you are no longer the main character in your photograph, photobombed image makes the second much more memorable. Even if that looks like a failure, these pictures every time are unique and can be shared with friends and family members.

We have assembled a hilarious photo collection in which the background is the main focus, either intentionally or not. Keep scrolling to down for more, and get ready to have a great time. Enjoy!

#01 Hello Boy

Source: BearWithAScarf

#02 Oops!

Source: Get_Stamosed

#03 I’m Jealous

Source: nurseratchet86

#04 Crash A Prom

Source: millselle

#05 The Three Stages Of Most Relationships In One Photo

Source: RemoteControlArtist

#06 Impressive Photobomb

Source: vanillapopcorn

#07 Hi There. I’m At The Back

Source: A_fish_called_tiger

#08 Whooo Hooo

Source: taterpig

#09 Tim Duncan’s Accidental Photobomb

Source: jaycrew

#10 Hey Hey Little Boy

Source: SarkyTyke

#11 Elmo Looks Like He Just Caught His Husband Cheating

Source: kazaamx

#12 He Just Gives Himself A Sweet Kiss

Source: kazaamx

#13 Raising The Bar On Pigtail Fashion

Source: ascendantofrain

#14 The Best Pic Ever

Source: heyitslolo

#15 Cheeseee

Source: OceanGoingSoul

#16 Sorry But It’s Hilarious

Source: BryanwithaY

#17 Attack Of The Butterfly

Source: Bigforsumthin

#18 What A Coincidence

Source: GummieLindsays

#19 Perfect Timing Selfie

Source: ppswwe

#20 Woaaa

Source: FellSamurai

#21 Are You Guys Taking Selfies?

Source: MadrushnRU

#22 What Was Happening In The Background?

Source: sasquatchh

Hope you Loved this Article. Happy trails until we meet again! Share These Amazing pictures With Your Friend or Family, Be Safe


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