Wildlife Photographer Takes Picture Of Small Rodents In Their Own Habitat


“Nature photography is a bit harder to practice and learn than you might think. But, it takes a lot of effort, dedication, empathy and patience to become an expert in the field, and definitely a lot of patience and empathy along with skills. Also, the ability to be still in the right position and right place at the right time is necessary.” This is Said Julian Red, a professional wildlife photographer.


Image Source: julianradwildlife

All the animals are very calm when seen in their habitats away from the human world. This is a secret that a successful wildlife photographer knows best. Therefore, wildlife photographers have chosen the best way to observe the natural behavior of animals is to approach their habitats. Wildlife photography documents the lives of animals so that we can see them through pictures.


Image Source: julianradwildlife

We met one such determined wildlife photographer who is very talented at taking pictures of incredible little animals. He is the 29-year-old Julian Rad. Julian is a popular character among humans because of his prowess in catching rabbits, squirrels, wood mice and hamsters. His significance is that he never threatens the lives of animals by his presence. Here’s why he always takes pictures of small animals.

“I’m fascinated by rodents. Rodents learn quickly and can solve problems that seem quite complex. Especially because they are smart and fast in their actions. The red squirrel is the most interesting animal in my life as it has amazed me since. I see art in these critters and I love capturing that hidden art. It makes me so happy.”


Image Source: julianradwildlife

Julian started his career as a wildlife photographer in 2016 but his first experience with wildlife photography started in 2011.

“It took some time for me to realize the camera settings to step into the world of wild animals,” said Julian. “My profession gives me great relief. It frees me from the rush and worries and makes me so peaceful from inside. I’ve got a chance to deal very closely with nature. Photographing with expensive cameras and high quality lenses will never make you a good photographer. Good images rely on you and not your camera. The camera is just a tool.”

“Countless nights in my photo-hide have taught me that patience is the best thing to practice to get the perfect shot. Those countless hours taught me that I should never chase an animal to get a photograph. We have to be patient and it will pay off for sure.”

Here’s an amazing collection of Julian’s pictures. Check out and enjoy it! check out more about him and his pictures on Instagram and Facebook. Happy trails until we meet again!


Image Source: julianradwildlife


Image Source: julianradwildlife


Image Source: julianradwildlife


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Image Source: julianradwildlife


Image Source: julianradwildlife


Image Source: julianradwildlife


Image Source: julianradwildlife


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