Wild Orangutan Reaches Out Helping Hand To Man A Stuck In Mud


Anil Prabhakar, an Indonesian photographer, was able to capture this beautiful act while wandering in the jungle. It was a wild orangutan that offered someone a helping hand after they were stuck in the mud. He always believed that his work had the power to create social and emotional change. In 2019 he became involved with the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation. He visited the foundation to learn more about the program.

Image Credit: Anil Prabhakar

While they are on a tour of the foundations protect land, they approach the orangutan’s habitat. At once he saw a crew member entering a small river while approaching. He asked why that man is doing that. They say, that a snake was spotted over there. Indeed, poisonous snakes are dangerous to orangutans. So they should take good care of those things. He moved slowly motion because his legs could get stuck in the mud. Suddenly an orangutan came there and watched carefully what he was doing

Image Credit: Anil Prabhakar

As he struggled to pull himself to his legs in the mud, the orangutan placed his left hand on the river bank and extended her other hand towards him. It was a truly amazing moment. But, the orangutan ignored the extended hand. He stayed by the side for three minutes, trying to help him. Instead, he moved away.

Image Credit: Anil Prabhakar

The orangutan tried to help him and he never expected that such a thing had ever happened.

Image Credit: Anil Prabhakar

Prabhakar asked the man why he didn’t accept the orangutan’s help. Then he explained that clearly he was only there as a lifeguard and mustn’t engage with the wild animals.

Image Credit: Anil Prabhakar

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