After watching this article you will definitely have the desire to hug them!
Indeed these furry little squirrels are often called flying squirrels and are some of the cutest animals to ever be on the earth. I know the problem you have. Definitely, whether they fly? Really no they don’t. They often use their patagium, or the fur membrane between their hind and front legs, to glide when needed. Also, They most use it to escape from a predator or to get close to another tree. And this special membrane helps them to glide more than 100 meters.
These animals have white fur on the belly and gray fur on the back and the whole body is covered with fur. And their little pink noses add to their cuteness. Their skin helps them to remain warm in winter. At sometimes times these animals sleep for several days. These flying squirrels mostly live in Japan and Europe. Often, On the coast from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific coast. Also, this particular flying squirrel belongs to the genus Old World Flying Squirrels.

Hope you Loved this collection. Happy trails until we meet again! Share These Amazing pictures With Your Friend or Family, Be Safe!