Sometimes, most of the beautiful things in the world are hidden away so that we never get to see them. But thanks to modern technology, we have the opportunity to focus on many things that are hidden. Recently, we found a beautiful picture of an owl hiding behind such a giant mushroom. It looks very beautiful, and it seemed that many people were also awed with the picture. A few hours after it was posting it, the picture became viral on the Internet and might even have appeared in your News Feed! So, we thought of interviewing (She has done this interview few years back) the photographer, Tanja Brandt to know the story behind the picture. Speaking to us she said,
“Pold, I got him when he was five months old. Our little beautiful owl is 1.5 years old. He didn’t want to come out of his egg and he was very small, the smallest. His six sisters were all hatched, he was the last to be born. days after born, he was very small. I also have a Harris Hawk named Phönix, a Weissgesichtseule named Gandalf, and a snow owl named Uschi”.
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“I think I’m always out with the camera and my animals so it’s fun to photograph my animals and they love it. So we get to go walk together, on adventures, have little breaks, have fun… We take some pictures. I know my animals very well and I can see their mental state very well. If I go out with just one of my animals, the other gets antsy and wants to be with us. We have a lot of fun together.”

He said “I’ve always loved animals, since I was a baby, unlike the rest of my family. When I was little, I found every sort of pet and then hid it for my parents. I love the beauty, power, loyalty, courage, and friendship of animals. Many people could learn from them.”

Animals have so much to offer us and that is why it is important to protect this beautiful mother nature. Indeed, It is a blessing to live with animals.

Hope you Loved this collection. Happy trails until we meet again! Share These Amazing pictures With Your Friend or Family, Be Safe!