People Share The Hilarious Dogs Pictures Where Their Teeth Are Visible In A Funny Way


Who can forget that smile of a cute dog? there’s actually a lot to talk about when it comes to pet dogs. Their fluffy tails or smooth fur may surprise you, but did you know that most people are attracted to canine teeth?

Did you know that people have special group parties to show off their cute dogs smiles and white teeth? Welcome to the subreddit for “Toofers.” The Toofers community currently has more than 102,000+ followers and anyone with adorable dogs are free to join. Scroll down to see some of the funniest pictures found in this community.

Don’t forget to share this list with people who want funny dogs pictures, and check out the “Toofers” subreddit for more.


Image Source: NanoCharat


Image Source: Foxhidesinfo


Image Source: the-floot


Image Source: OctopussSevenTwo


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Image Source: Fubar904


Image Source: thesassyllamas


Image Source: thegolden_nami


Image Source: MedZeppelin


Image Source: icant-chooseone


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Image Source: earthlingtina


Image Source: icant-chooseone


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Image Source: ShelingtonBelington


Image Source: ChildrnoftheCrnSyrup


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Image Source: homao


Image Source: iamthewalrus1987


Image Source: wolftalk


Image Source: jantmeijer


Image Source: AlienSocksAndWatches


Image Source: javv007


Image Source: canbarelysee


Image Source: TRLnala


Image Source: jupiterandthemoons


Image Source: sydneyelkin


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Image Source: fishf00ds


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