Do you know the big-eyed, 207-degree head-spinning, nocturnal bird? The answer you guessed is correct, he is nothing but an owl.
Have you seen two cute owls before? Otherwise, this article will show you that.

This incredible pair of bakamunos were spotted and photographed in partnership with Country Events and Falconry. Leslie Arnott was the lucky person to see these snowy owls in action.

Despite being trained to take pictures of owls, rare occasions such as these are rarely seen. After, Leslie explained that they became close and eventually started kissing each other. To everyone’s surprise, they are not lovers.
These two cute owls are a pair of very affectionate sisters. Even though the kiss is probably unintentional it is a very rare moment.

After witnessing this special moment, Leslie tried to kiss them again but the effort failed. Capturing such rare moments certainly requires a great deal of skill as well as luck, and therefore Leslie Arnott can be considered a talented man.

Hope you Loved this collection. Happy trails until we meet again! Share These Amazing pictures With Your Friend or Family, Be Safe!